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Artificial Eye

An ocular prosthesis is a removable, custom-made eye that is used to replace a lost or injured eye. It is also known as to as an artificial eye or glass eye. Generally, it’s used to provide the eye socket an improved look and a more natural appearance. These prosthesis are usually made out of acrylic materials for durability and a realistic appearance. They are designed to resemble the remaining natural eye in terms of colour, size, and form. Accurate measurements and impressions need to be obtained in order to make a prosthesis that resembles the original eye as closely as possible and fits comfortably. It is a blend of medical science and arts!

Ortho K lenses are customized high-oxygen permeable rigid lenses. These lenses are worn overnight. They gently reshape the cornea so that you can see clearly during the day without glasses or contact lenses. This provides lifestyle benefits, especially for active children and adults, sports and other recreational activities.

Types of the artificial eye:

1. Stock eye (ready-made eye)
2. Full modified impression type (Customized)
3. Thin shell (customized one but it’s the thinnest version)
4. Hollow prosthesis (The centre portion of the eye is kept hollow)

Ortho K lenses are customized high-oxygen permeable rigid lenses. These lenses are worn overnight. They gently reshape the cornea so that you can see clearly during the day without glasses or contact lenses. This provides lifestyle benefits, especially for active children and adults, sports and other recreational activities.

1. Stock eye: 
Ready-made artificial eyes are also available. They are prefabricated and come in common colours and sizes. Even while they might not be as customizable as a personalised prosthesis, they can still offer patients who are missing or injured eye tissue an appearance that looks natural. For people who are not in need of a highly specialised fit, ready-made solutions might be a speedier answer and are more economical. However, a custom-made ocular prosthesis is typically the best choice for those who want a more personalised and natural-looking appearance.

2. Full modified impression type: 
A customised prosthetic eye needs a combination of precise measurement, artistic talent, and medical expertise. This is a brief description of the procedure:

a) Impressions and Measurements: – To record the shape of the eye socket, the impression is taken of it. Proper measurements are taken, taking into account things like the natural eye’s location and the movement of the eyelids.

b) Modelling: – An artificial eye model is made using specifications and impressions. It is done through conventional sculpting techniques .

c) Colour Matching: – The artificial eye’s colour is matched to the natural eye’s colour. To get as close to the colour as possible.

d) Moulding and Casting: – A mould for the prosthetic eye is made using the finished model.

  • To create the finished prosthesis, materials like as acrylic are poured into the mould.

e) Finishing Touches: – To produce a natural look, the prosthesis is refined and

  • To improve realism, details like veins and iris patterns are included.

f) Fitting and Adjustments: – The patient’s eye socket is carefully fitted with the prosthetic eye.

  • To ensure comfort, optimum flexibility, and a realistic look, adjustments are done.

g) Patient Education: – Instruction is given to patients on how to take care of and maintain their prosthetic eye.

It’s essential to remember that this is a simplified summary and that the procedure may differ depending on the particular tools and methods that ocularists choose to employ. The objective is to design a prosthesis that fits and acts effectively in the eye socket while maintaining a natural appearance.

3. Thin Shell Prosthesis: 
 A thin-shell prosthesis is created for those having lesser space in between the eyelids to fit a standard prosthesis. When compared with traditional solid prosthesis, it typically is made of a thin covering of material that covers the existing damaged eye inside the socket.

4. Hollow Prosthesis: 
Hollow prosthesis refers to a particular kind of prosthesis that has an empty or hollow space. A hollow prosthesis is made with a cavity within, compared to a solid prosthesis, which is a full, filled construction. It is created for those who have deep socket space. This can be made for those who have a history of implant pop-out or in conditions when an implant can’t be placed.

The following are some salient features of hollow prostheses:

→ Compact Design: Some people find hollow prostheses more pleasant than solid ones since they are frequently lighter.

→ Reduced Weight: The prosthesis’s total weight is decreased because to the hollow area, which may improve comfort and range of motion.

→ Customising: More fitting and altering is possible with hollow prosthesis. By varying the thickness of the shell or the amount of material utilised, the ocularist may fine-tune the fit.

→ Ventilation: In order to minimise the formation of heat and moisture behind the prosthesis, the hollow cavity could offer some ventilation.

→ Material: Hollow prosthetics usually consist of acrylic, just as other prosthetic eyes.

The wearer’s particular demands, comfort level, and personal preferences all play a role in the decision between a solid and hollow prosthesis. Both kinds are designed to fit snugly and pleasantly inside the eye socket while maintaining a natural look.

Indication of customized artificial eye:

• Pthisisbulbi
• Absence of eye since birth.
• Surgical removal of the eye due to evisceration, enucleation or orbital exenteration.
• Microphthalmos

Caring for an artificial eye:

• With time protein gets deposited onto the surface of an artificial eye. That’s why it is advisable to remove the eye and clean it every 8-10 days.

• Chemical polishing by ocularist once in every 6 months.

• Gently rub the artificial eye with two fingers under warm water and rinse it well. Now dry the eye using a soft tissue or any lint-free and soft cloth. Occasionally baby shampoo or mild soap can also be used for cleaning and need to be rinsed thoroughly before placing into the socket.

• Avoid cleaning with any kind of solvent as it may damage the artificial eye.

Taking good care of your artificial eye ensures a healthy socket and increases the life span of the artificial eye.

Features of a good ocular prosthesis:

• It eliminates social isolation caused by disfigured eye and provides life like look.

• It also improves patient’s personal, professional and social life along with their family members.

• Prevent remaining soft tissue from collapsing.

• Helps in proper tear circulation for better lubrication of sockets and lids.

The eyes are one of the sensory organs and the most noticeable feature of the face. Eyes play a significant role in our life, unless one of them is partially or totally lost its value is never appreciated. Loss of an eye leads to physical, emotional, social and psychological loss to the patient. Replacing that lost eye is necessary for the physical and psychological healing of the patient.

A good prosthesis adapts well and improves the psychological state of the patient. Also, it increases the patient’s confidence level and aesthetic value.