Scleral Contact Lens in Delhi

Scleral lenses are large diameter hard contact lenses that are customised and computer lathed for each individual patient. These medical devices require proper assessment and are prescribed by a licensed and skilled eye care practitioner.


While designing the scleral lens, a certain curve is kept to control the depth of the fluid chamber which helps to improve vision and comfort,” says Reekham. The space between the back of the lens and the corneal surface is filled with saline before placing on to the eye. This fluid that remains behind the lens, provides comfort throughout the day for people with severe dry eyes.The seal is formed around the eye which does not allow any dust or debris to get underneath them.”

We see many patients who wear scleral only because they have extreme dry eye. These lenses act as a ‘liquid bandage,’ and improve the signs and symptoms of moderate to severe dry eye. Scleral Contact Lens specialist in Delhi.

Why Choose scleral lenses?

They are designed as per your visual needs to provide you comfortable, stable and good vision correction.
• Scleral lenses can also be used as a nonsurgical rehabilitation for severe corneal ectasia conditions ( such as keratoconus, PMCD, TMCD Post Lasik Ectasia etc) in improving vision.
• Scleral lenses are also prescribed to patients who cannot tolerate RGP/Rose K lens in their eyes.
• It acts as a remedial shield in patients with damaged corneal tissue.
a) They protect cornea in severe Dry eye syndrome
b) Allow ease of eye movement in dry eye conditions.
c) They provide extra moisture in people with severe dry eyes.

Scleral lens plays a therapeutic role by acting as a shield in front of the eyes from the outside world and providing constant hydration source along with helping the eye heal or stay healthy. Hence, the eyes retain a healthier appearance in severe dry eye condition.
• Scleral lenses are designed in a way that it can fit in any degree of corneal steepness or irregularity.
• It corrects full refractive power, which sometimes is not possible with the other hard lenses.
• One can easily perform activities like running, driving, playing sports, etc. without worrying about lens dropping.
• They allow two to four times more oxygen passing to your eyes than soft lenses, which helps your eyes stay healthy.
• They are extremely durable and scratch-resistant.
• Theses lenses can last for two to three years.

Types of Scleral Contact Lenses:

1. Quadant Specific or Toric Scleral Lenses:
These lenses come in different sizes that fit different patients with different needs. Quadant specific or Toric scleral lenses are good choice for individuals with severe keratoconus, severe dry eyes, complications caused by Lasik eye surgery, other eye injuries or conditions that make regular contact lenses too difficult to wear.

2. Software-Based Scleral Lenses (Latitude):
The Latitude Scleral lens, are made precisely as per the shape of the sclera where it rests. These lenses are designed to have
uniform clearances throughout the lens coverage areas – regardless of the extent of the irregularity of the cornea. The unique design of this type of lens has a unique contour for an exact fit.
Latitude lenses are suitable for most of the patients, but are particularly prescribed to those with a larger degree of irregularity, asymmetric keratoconus, or other issues that make fitting more complicated.

3. Impression-Based Scleral Lenses (EyePrintPRO):
This is another type of scleral lens that provides an exceptionally accurate fit known as EyePrintPRO. This is a impression-based
scleral contact lens proves to be an ideal solution for many patients who have trouble with traditional scleral contact lenses. This
method is vastly superior in the practice of finding a good fit among pre-manufactured lenses via trial and error. Creating an impression of the eye takes only a few minutes, and the lenses are likely to fit optimally on the first attempt itself.

1. Corneo-scleral lenses and semi-scleral lenses—these lenses are larger in diameter than traditional gas permeable lenses. They rest between the cornea and the sclera.
2. Mini-scleral lenses—these lenses make a vault over the cornea and rest on the anterior part of the sclera.
3. Full-scleral lenses—these lenses are the largest type in scleral lens category. It provide the most amount of space between the back surface of the lens and cornea.

1. Corneo-scleral lenses and semi-scleral lenses—these lenses are much larger than traditional gas permeable lenses and rest between the cornea and the sclera.

2. Mini-scleral lenses—these lenses vault over the corneal surface and rest on the anterior sclera.

3. Full-scleral lenses—these lenses are the largest type and provide the most amount of space between the back surface of the lens and cornea.

Which Type of scleral lens Is Right for You?

There are several factors to consider while choosing between smaller- and larger-diameter scleral lenses. Larger lenses have more favorable lens bearing distribution, increased peripheral vault, and better protection against damage to the ocular surface. Whereas, smaller lenses are easier to get used to and apply. It is important to discuss all these factors with your eye care practitioner and work together to find the perfect fit for your eyes.

Why see a specialist?

Contact lenses are medical devices that sit onto your eye and should be customised as per each patient’s needs.
“There are tens of thousands of combinations of diameter, curvature, material—and more—that can affect how a lens fits on your eye,” says Meyer. “We need to evaluate your eye’s physiology and visual demands to determine which lens works best for you. Contact lens wearers must take extra care to ensure their eyes stay healthy. That’s why we recommend yearly eye exams by a contact lens specialist for those patients.”

Why choose Refom vision for scleral lenses:

Dr. Reekham is one of the leading practitioner of scleral lenses in the Delhi, India. He has done fellowship at LV Prasad Eye institute in advance contact lenses. To know more click here link.

Condition in which scleral lenses are usefull:

• Keratoconus: an eye condition that results in distorted vision by causing the cornea to thin and expand into a cone shape.

• Corneal irregularities: These includes irregularities like , post-surgical alterations, a corneal scarring, PMCD (Pellucid Marginal Corneal Degeneration), TMCD (Terence Marginal Corneal Condition) etc.

• Irregular Astigmatism: Scleral lenses are used to correct eyesight in situations when standard are not be able to effectively correct irregular astigmatism.

• Dry Eyes: By maintaining a stable tear film, the fluid reservoir located between the cornea and the lens’s rear surface help those with dry eyes e.g. Steven Johnsons Syndrome (SJS)

• Grafts & Transplants: Scleral lenses are able to provide better vision and comfort in corneal grafts or transplants.

• Chemical injury: In cases like chemical injury, conventional contact lenses are unable to provide adequate vision correction or comfort by using scleral lenses one can achieve vision clarity and comfort.

• Ocular surface phemphigoid: Ocular Surface Pemphigoid (OSP) is a long-term autoimmune disease that affects the cornea and conjunctiva. This leads to corneal irregularities resulting in vision distortion. Scleral lens in this case help in retaining vision along with comfort.


To avoid eye infections, it is necessary that you take appropriate care of your lenses. Scleral lenses also require maintenance as that of any regular lenses.

• Always wash your hands thoroughly before handling lenses or touching your eyes.

• Place the lenses in your palm, add a few drops of multi-purpose solution and gently scrub both sides of the lens with a smooth circular motion.

• Use the multipurpose solution suggested by your practitioner to rinse the lens.

• Place each lens in its appropriate casing and add a new solution every night.

• Tightly close the lens case.

• Every time, use a fresh solution, rinse it well, and store it in the lens case.

• Replace your lens case once every 3 month

FAQ'S ( Frequently Asked Questions )

Ans) Scleral lenses are large-diameter medical devices that are fitted on the white portion of the eye and vault over the cornea. They are called scleral lenses. When treating diseases like dry eye syndrome and keratoconus, they work quite well.

Ans) In order to construct a custom-designed lens, the fitting process for scleral lenses entails collecting precise measurements of your eye.

Ans) Wearers of scleral lenses experience continual hydration because the lens acts as a reservoir of saline fluid. The symptoms of dry eye syndrome are greatly reduced by this hydration.

Ans) Scleral lenses offer longer-lasting relief by addressing the underlying cause of dry eye syndrome, in contrast to traditional therapies.

Ans) Absolutely. Because scleral lenses do not come into contact with the cornea, there is less likelihood of discomfort, and most patients find them to be extremely comfortable.

Ans) Yes, scleral lenses offer superior vision correction in addition to curing dry eye syndrome, particularly for those with uneven corneas.

Ans) Dr. Reekham is a highly skilled optometrist with a focus on vision rehabilitation. He uses scleral lenses to treat keratoconus and dry eye conditions.

Ans) At Reform Vision, you may receive a scleral lens fitting from Dr Reekham Lal, who provides knowledgeable consultation. To make an appointment, please contact us.